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Camille Sloan
3D Artist - Animator
IconsSet | Camb0t | Inspiration |
Sonic Mania | Venti the Cat | Jet Set Radio characters |
Parking mockupMockup screen designed with the assets I made for a Parking lot Tower Defense game | BirdsAssets for a parking lot Tower Defense game | Cars and FieldAssets for a parking lot Tower Defense game |
WeaponsAssets for a parking lot Tower Defense game | Propscompilation1Prop concept art for the game Prawn Jeremy | Propscompilation2Prop concept art for the game Prawn Jeremy |
Spacegirl | SpaceExploring | Two Niers |
2B9SAC | Kaine Emil | Leo and Corgis |
Caterpillarsmall | Nina | Nino |
Ancient Rituals | Carvings | HarvestFestival |
Harpiasmall | Glasses4alternate | Mario |
Seco | MandalaWEB | Torterra |
Empoleon | Infernape | Atmosferic perspective |
Rain | Evila | Purge |
Codsworth | 2 Point | trees_and_apples_by_rgbit-d39hok1 |
Fresh Morning |
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